the wily Willy: I rather think his name was added to Borrelia burgdorferi; a spirochaete; the putative organism that is attributed to Lyme Disease;
as I understand it called after the town of Lyme; just north of Plum Island; home it was said of US biowarfare research; it has been suggested they were trying to "weaponise" ticks; two different schools of thought; that Lyme disease might have originated in the bioweapons programme on Plum Is; the opposite school says that is a conspiracy theory;
spirochaetes are remarkable things; syphilis is caused by a spirochaete; treponema pallidum which can change into many, many forms; most think of it as a wriggly spirochaete only.
Thank you for this fascinating interview. I was alerted to your book by Jeffrey Kaye, who I follow with great interest. I found your work an intriguing and disturbing read - as both you and Jeffrey Kaye conclude, there are still missing and hidden pieces to this important story. The unceasing readiness of our states to produce, experiment with and sometimes use biological and chemical weapons is truly sinister.
"Willy Burgdorfer "
the wily Willy: I rather think his name was added to Borrelia burgdorferi; a spirochaete; the putative organism that is attributed to Lyme Disease;
as I understand it called after the town of Lyme; just north of Plum Island; home it was said of US biowarfare research; it has been suggested they were trying to "weaponise" ticks; two different schools of thought; that Lyme disease might have originated in the bioweapons programme on Plum Is; the opposite school says that is a conspiracy theory;
spirochaetes are remarkable things; syphilis is caused by a spirochaete; treponema pallidum which can change into many, many forms; most think of it as a wriggly spirochaete only.
Karmic debt for the nation is a scary prospect at this point 😬 Lord Preserve Us!
Thank you for this fascinating interview. I was alerted to your book by Jeffrey Kaye, who I follow with great interest. I found your work an intriguing and disturbing read - as both you and Jeffrey Kaye conclude, there are still missing and hidden pieces to this important story. The unceasing readiness of our states to produce, experiment with and sometimes use biological and chemical weapons is truly sinister.