Hi Kris Newby, Thank you for this. I had been unaware of gain-of-function research until I came across your book, and fortuitously for me, that was shortly before the 2020 covid lockdowns. Dangerous research, possible lab escape, skewy incentives, hmmm...
Re: "long covid"— I don't doubt that it does exist, I wouldn't argue about that, but the "long covid" I hear about in my personal circles seems to me to be jab injuries because funny, but the unjabbed I know, all of whom have had covid, they don't have any problems, but the "vaccinated," all of whom also had covid (and more times than the unjabbed, and after having taken the "safe and effective" injectables) are the ones suffering from "long covid." These individuals I know personally believe that the injections they took couldn't possibly be the cause of their "long covid." Why? Because their doctor told them they were "safe and effective." I'm at the point now where when I hear someone complaining about long covid I think, sad, they took all those injections... or, I think, hmmm, maybe they're saying that because they assume I bought the whole story as retailed by CNN et al, and as many of the "vaccine" injured have learned, if you say you have "long covid" you can get help, but if you say you're vaccine injured, you get kicked to the curb.
Thank you for your work. If it weren't for a debilitating case of Babesiosis which I was truly fortunate to have diagnosed within a year, I would have no idea what people with chronic tick borne diseases suffer through. The uncertainty before diagnosis was terrifying. I ended up in a VA psych ward, thinking that I'd had a nervous breakdown. Were it not for a Lyme literate practitioner, I don't think that I'd be here. The honest work of individuals within the Lyme community saves lives and is truly appreciated.
I was unaware of this Substack until reading a link to this article in the online LymeDisease.org.
Thank you Kris Newby for your important work, and for continuing it here on substack. I, too, sure wish you could get the doctors in Stanford Healthcare at Stanford University to see the truth and change their Infectious Disease (ID) Department's stance of Lyme Disease denial. This is from communication with my Stanford neurologist in 2023:
"Dr.... placed the Stanford ID referral per your request, and we were informed that they do not accept our referral because the Stanford ID clinic has a long-standing policy of NOT seeing patients for Lyme Disease or "Tick Bite" if Lyme is the concern."
Hi Kris Newby, Thank you for this. I had been unaware of gain-of-function research until I came across your book, and fortuitously for me, that was shortly before the 2020 covid lockdowns. Dangerous research, possible lab escape, skewy incentives, hmmm...
Re: "long covid"— I don't doubt that it does exist, I wouldn't argue about that, but the "long covid" I hear about in my personal circles seems to me to be jab injuries because funny, but the unjabbed I know, all of whom have had covid, they don't have any problems, but the "vaccinated," all of whom also had covid (and more times than the unjabbed, and after having taken the "safe and effective" injectables) are the ones suffering from "long covid." These individuals I know personally believe that the injections they took couldn't possibly be the cause of their "long covid." Why? Because their doctor told them they were "safe and effective." I'm at the point now where when I hear someone complaining about long covid I think, sad, they took all those injections... or, I think, hmmm, maybe they're saying that because they assume I bought the whole story as retailed by CNN et al, and as many of the "vaccine" injured have learned, if you say you have "long covid" you can get help, but if you say you're vaccine injured, you get kicked to the curb.
Thank you for your work. If it weren't for a debilitating case of Babesiosis which I was truly fortunate to have diagnosed within a year, I would have no idea what people with chronic tick borne diseases suffer through. The uncertainty before diagnosis was terrifying. I ended up in a VA psych ward, thinking that I'd had a nervous breakdown. Were it not for a Lyme literate practitioner, I don't think that I'd be here. The honest work of individuals within the Lyme community saves lives and is truly appreciated.
I was unaware of this Substack until reading a link to this article in the online LymeDisease.org.
Thank you Kris Newby for your important work, and for continuing it here on substack. I, too, sure wish you could get the doctors in Stanford Healthcare at Stanford University to see the truth and change their Infectious Disease (ID) Department's stance of Lyme Disease denial. This is from communication with my Stanford neurologist in 2023:
"Dr.... placed the Stanford ID referral per your request, and we were informed that they do not accept our referral because the Stanford ID clinic has a long-standing policy of NOT seeing patients for Lyme Disease or "Tick Bite" if Lyme is the concern."
McDuff Lives on Rumble covers the nazi sent to Russia made into a double agent that actually made this poison.