🤮🤢 gross. She kept her ticks.

But now we have Bill Gates’ mosquitos. The war on humanity won’t end until Christ returns. Hope it soon cuz the clowns are taking control of the circus

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I am currently researching the US Bioweapons facility ATCC at Manassas Virginia in relation to their making the Centreville High School Moderna and Pfizer Jab DNA residue study possible. Have you covered that in your book or articles?


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No, this is the first I've read of it. I read through your posts, but I wasn't sure what the psyops angle was?

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Hello Kris. I have discovered that the head of the FDA CBER Lab T T Wang, and the lead author of the High School Journal article full of errors, Tyler Wang, both live in Centreville. The students were given Pfizer lots which included some involved in legal cases brought by US Military personnel.

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You are probably already aware, but Plum Island off of CT is suspect with Lyme disease, not just limited to the NE states-but worldwide. The book "Lab 257" by Michael C. Carroll gives a good background germ warfare "studied" there (ticks armed) & containment issues.

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Thanks Zara. ATCC mentions Plum Island in some publications. We are on the right track in delving.

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I have wondered how Lyme, etc patients were doing with the added layer of Covid. The book is a good, but crazy read I would suggest all read. And I see the author here has a good book recommended.

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